Written by Adrienne Kohler
AMI Insurance Matariki 2017
How one local activation can drive a nation-wide campaign
Even in a small country like New Zealand, running a national branding and customer engagement campaign can be a major undertaking. It's expensive to transport equipment to different locations, and, once there, companies face significant event and staffing costs.

There is where technology is leading the way. When New Zealand insurance company AMI wanted to run a month-long cost-effective national activation for the Matariki festival in June, Interlike was the perfect technology partner for the campaign. AMI Kai campaign website powered by Interlike web app let people from anywhere take part. They could co-create branded selfies from anywhere with an internet connection and camera-enabled device well as Interlike's selfie stations at related events.

Interlike Web App in Action - AMI Kai Competition Video
The rise of the seven stars of Matariki (the Pleiades) signifies the Māori New Year and Matariki Festival celebrates this special time with 29 days of culture, food, fun and entertainment. Through its sponsorship of the Festival, AMI sought to convey its commitment to supporting and promoting the culture and community values of New Zealand, co-create valuable branded content with existing and new AMI customers; and increase reach, engagement and relevance for the brand on social media.
The Matariki Festival is particularly suitable for this as over the past decade it has grown into a popular multi-cultural celebration. In Auckland alone, it is more than 100 events running across the month Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), alone.

With just one local activation, AMI was able to run a cost-effective month-long campaign across multiple locations. The Interlike web app taps into the mindset of a visual generation that is now used to experiencing events via the internet.

The campaign had three installations of Interlike's selfie stations at the Te KoraKora on Federal Street festival. Over the day , more than 400 attendees shared photos of themselves at the event on social media with AMI branding on the day.
But it didn't stop there as the Interlike web app increased the campaign's longevity and geographical reach. For three weeks, people were able to upload branded selfies of themselves to AMI's web page from their desktop or mobile to participate in Matariki activities as well as enter a competition for a fridge full of kai (food) from anywhere in New Zealand. The branded images were also shared across social media, resulting in over 250,000 organic impressions.
The campaign was so successful that it was shared globally with entries for the competition received from as far away as the the US, Australia and UK with the eventual winner coming from Whangarei in New Zealand.

The company was delighted with the campaign results. Download full report here. It was an outstanding example of a new generation of borderless campaigns where you no longer have to be on the ground to participate as it is not about being at the event, it is about being part of the collective experience.

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We're here to help you and answer any questions you may have about using Interlike's unique brand growth, lead generation and retargeting tools. Call us on +64 9 3604026 or book a free discovery session here. Our success experts are always up for a good chat and a coffee.
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