Success SERIES
What are they going to break this time?
Do not update your iPhone or iPad to iOS12. Here is why!
It is never a good idea to update as soon as Apple releases new iOS. It is not a question of is it going to break something on your device, it is a question of what is going to be broken. Overheating? Not charging? Broken camera? What is it going to be this time?
The amazing thing about all of our digital devices is that they can be updated over time for 'free' to add new features and deliver more performance than what they had brand new out of the box. The catch that comes with these updates, is the actual costs they can incur - battery life, storage space, and just overall performance.

If you don't believe me, have a read through a tally of many of the bugs that arose with each iOS 10 and 11 upon launch, as well as a look at those appearing from the iOS 12 BETA.
It is worth keeping in mind that bugs are expected in the BETA phase, so many of these will not be present at launch. It is also worth noting that more bugs can be expected to arise when the update rolls out to millions of users.

So with the impeding release of iOS 12, it's necessary to consider the Apple products being used by countless businesses… What happens when they connect to wifi or cell data and they ask to update?
We here at Interlike highly recommend that you hold off updating until you are in a position to weigh the pros and cons of doing so. If past experience is anything to go by, it might even be worth waiting until iOS 12.3 arrives.

Apple's previous 'big' upgrade of iOS 11 was an exceptionally bad example.

It was not uncommon to hear reports of devices draining at twice the speed they used to. In some cases iPads or iPhones were not even able to maintain charge while plugged into wall sockets and desktop computers, power sources that would happily have enough grunt to keep them in operation and charging up before.

In fact, according to mobile security firm Wandera, the average time for an iOS 11 device to drop from 100% battery life to 0% is 96 minutes, while the average for iOS 10 is 240 minutes - a decline of 60%.
Seriously - if your devices are on at least iOS 11.3, there is no pressing need for you to update, DON'T DO IT.

But it's not enough for only you to know not to update - you also need to tell your suppliers and staff who use Apple devices in your environments that they must not do so.

Only look to move on from iOS 11.3 if reports come through that iOS 12 has not brought with it any new problems, such as severely reduced battery life.

We'll be looking at this issue regularly, especially as iOS 12 updates keep on coming. iOS 11.1 was released on September 19th last year and while initial reports seemed hopeful, further issues arose for a wide range of users.

Apple iOS 11.1 Starts Causing Problems

Newer devices seem to experience less issues, and are often improved - but for older devices it seems like bugs can be expected to arise.

If you want to read more articles like this, sign up for our Success Series and gain access to a range of vital weekly content.

If you are concerned about this issue and have a lot of devices that might be affected, especially those used for photo marketing, don't hesitate to get in touch:

We're here to help you and answer any questions you might have. Come to us with your queries about Apple devices being used for photo marketing.

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