Written by Adrienne Kohler
Smashing Silos
*7 minutes read: How to break down data silos and leverage event data to maximise your performance marketing
If your social media agency or team that runs Facebook ads and other digital display campaigns is aware that you are doing event activations but doesn't request the email data, you have to question how on top of things they are. The Interlike photo marketing platform is a great way to connect with potential customers and collect data to help you build your customer profiles, but I have to admit I get frustrated when I see social media agencies failing to fully leverage this invaluable resource.

The key to marketing these days is multiple touch-points. People are often not ready to make a buying decision at an event, but using mechanisms like the Interlike photo marketing platform is a engaging and easy way to collect their fully consented data for a follow-up campaign.
Be aware of Silo Mentality
Wellington Airport used Interlike to run a successful campaign for Jetstar. Below you can find their success story as it is a perfect case study to demonstrate how event teams and social media agencies can work together to maximise the benefits of data. It takes time and effort to build up customer profiles, but once you have the data flowing within a system, it becomes a powerful tool for your company. If it is sitting in data silos, you need to start smashing them apart.

The Silo Mentality takes two main forms - teams either don't to want to share, or don't think to share information with others in the same company (or related agencies).
A recent survey by the American Management Association found that 83% of executives said that silos existed in their companies and that 97% think they have a negative effect.
Most people will probably have several frustrating examples of silo mentality that created issues for them.

If your social media agency or teams are doing this, you need to ask them why. An integrated strategy where data collected at events that flows into ongoing marketing activities should be foundational to your performance marketing activities.
Continue reading after the case study and learn two quick wins to turbo-boost your Facebook campaigns and break down those data silos or skip the case study and jump to your quick wins how to by clicking here.
CASE STUDY: How Wellington Airport boosts Jetstar Airways
With more than six million passengers moving through every year, an average of 16,000 daily visitors, Wellington Airport is one of the busiest in New Zealand. An airport's high footfall and diverse mix of visitors makes them sought after for marketing campaigns.

When Wellington Airport wanted to increase awareness of Jetstar Airways' direct flights from Wellington to the Gold Coast and Melbourne routes, Interlike's photo marketing platform was an ideal solution.

The installation was simplicity itself. For 3 weeks, visitors to the Wellington Airport terminal could pop into the open photo booth, create a selfie and enter the draw to win one of 20 flights to the Gold Coast or Melbourne and an optinal additional entry by posting their photo on Instagram with #MyJestarSelfie.
Once in place the selfie station was easy to manage, had two eye-catching backgrounds for each destination, and didn't require any staff to maintain it.

The event activation enabled Wellington Airport to collect and a build a database of highly engaged prospective customers from the consented information participants gave to retrieve their and enter the competition. 6 months later leads collected from this promotion formed the basis for a follow-up "Extend the Summer" Facebook only advertising campaign to encourage Wellingtonians to visit the Gold Coast. The depth of the customer data collected during the original activation enabled the marketing team to create highly targeted and individualised Facebook ads.

The combined campaign was a great success, resulting in significantly increased engagement on Wellington Airport's Facebook channel and contributed to a 20 per cent increase of passengers on the route year on year. Furthermore, the data and insights obtained from the follow-up campaigns can be leveraged by the marketing and social teams to further develop customer profiles for future marketing.
Our passenger loads in for May for Jetstar was up by 20%! In April the WLG-OOL passenger numbers were at 67% and in May it went up by 87%. The 'Extend your Summer' campaign definitely pushed to make this happen.
Arpita Dutta
Marketing and Communications Manager
Wellington Airport
We approached Interlike when we saw how well their technology worked with one of our airline partners. So we got them on board for an activation inside our terminal promoting another airline partner. The activation included the use of the Interlike selfie-station for a month-long campaign. The best bit about it – it was standalone and didn't require extra personnel to man it at all times. Plus it was super easy to use by everyone. The result was huge engagement on Wellington Airport's Facebook channel and corresponding airline passenger loads increased to the destinations we were marketing.

Six months later we ran another campaign with Interlike with the same airline partner – the campaign involved targeted Facebook ads to increase brand awareness and increase bookings for the airline. We're really pleased with how easy it was to work with Interlike – from creating the campaign to designing the ads to implementing the strategy. And at whatever point we wanted an update, we got it. The results of the campaign were impressive too!
Two quick wins you can do right now to engage potential customers by sharing data between business units:
Collecting emails? Give it to Facebook ads team so they can create custom and lookalike audiences from the list.
Every time your activation team collects personal information at any offline event, make it a priority the information is shared with your social media agency to create custom audiences for follow-up marketing. Personalisation is essential in today's noisy landscape and you are leaving opportunity on the table if you don't do this.

Ensure the data is used to create personalised and highly-targeted campaigns for follow-up emails, Facebook and Google advertising. Sure, Facebook has effective targeting tools but these become hyper effective if you personalise them to an audience that is warm to your brand.
Use Interlike platform for photo marketing online or offline? Be sure to request an Interlike Micro-Influencer report from your success manager.
The report can inform you on which customers have the most following and engagement on their personal Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and other accounts. The Interlike platform uses a plugin that analyses captured public email addresses to identify the top influencers. It delivers the exact number of followers and engagements. With this information it's simple to approach influencers to ask them about becoming brand ambassadors for you and help build your brand.
Get in touch
The power of multiple touch-points for the customer journey lies in connecting them together and having a single data view of a customer profile that is shared between teams. Interlike can help with that in your company. Call us on +64 9 3604026 or book a free discovery session here. Our success experts are always up for a good chat and a coffee.
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