Add your photo to CENTRE Community Christmas Tree
We are giving away hundreds of prizes. Make sure to follow the instruction below to be in to WIN
  • Step 1
    Upload your photo below from your camera roll or Facebook. Selfies work the best!
  • Step 2
    Enter your details and click 'Send'. If you are one of lucky winners - you'll receive a separate text message within the next 5 minutes.
  • Step 3
    Your photo will appear on the Tree shortly. We'll let you know when it's up and send you a copy. Make sure to share it on your Instagram or Facebook with [#TAG] and [@MENTION].

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You can win: list of awesome prizes
See the excamples from our community below
Find your photo as a decoration on our Digital Chritmas Tree on a giant screen at the centre. You can also se it below. Just scroll through or choose the date when you shared yours.