Maximise every offline interaction with your customers
Great companies like Singapore Airlines, New Zealand Olympic Committee, Clinique, Logitech and more utilises Interlike to create great content and authentic engagement with their customers and community to convert them into lifelong customers.
For every marketing professional of brands who use social media to communicate with their customers and have offline marketing activity.
Do you struggle to:
  • build genuine customer engagement
  • create authentic content
  • achieve social relevance
  • track ROI from experiential marketing
Then Interlike is the right choice for you!
We've been obsessing about bringing the best value to our clients for over three years. Based on our experience of successful campaigns in New Zealand, Australia, Russia and Europe, we can help you to deliver on your experiential, brand and marketing objectives using our smart technology. Would you like to find out how Interlike can help you? Click here
Here is a marketing platform that will help you create and share authentic content. You can also learn more about your customer segment with data from every offline interaction.
What's Included?
Full access to all Interlike platform features
We set up your account at MyInterlike dashboard and document all access details. We provide access to our best practices and how tos.

Types of content

Photo, live photo (GIF), video
Custom photo filters, doodle colour, augmented graphic overlays, facial recognition, graphic face mapping, photo description incl. URLs and #tags, email branding, subject and body text.
Facebook Sharing
Upload photos to Brand/Event page into an event album and sends to each customer a branded email with unique link to their own photo
YouTube Sharing
Upload videos to Brand/Event YouTube channel and sends embedded video to each customer a branded email with unique link to their own video. Additional to embed to your website
Branded Gallery
Send a branded email direct to customer with embedded photo and social sharing buttons for easy share to users' personal accounts on popular social media networks - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn
Twitter Sharing
Post directly to Brand/Event Twitter feed with preloaded editable Tweet text including #tags and @mentions the person in the photo - ideal for celebrities and influencers
SMS Sharing
Deliver unique links to your customers direct via sms
Insights report. EDM delivery, open and click through rates. Collect database with pre-set required fields (i.e. email, name, phone number, custom field) Available for export in .csv format
Photo Drawing
Users can draw on and autograph their pictures before sharing
Facial Recognition
Face mapping overlay for animated graphics following the movement of the user
Overlay Flexibility
Customers can swipe to select from multiple graphic overlays. Caters for groups, selfies and line by sight creative in one campaign
Unlimited campaigns
Use it for every brand offline interaction. With one license, Singapore Airlines used it for fashion week, trade shows, expo, sponsorship leverage (Christchurch Art Gallery Installation, Night Noodle Markets, Winetopia), promotional launches and social events.
Access to Interlike brain trust and 24/7 support
We provide on call support, scheduled updates and emergency hardware replacement
First full campaign set up
We set up your campaign for your first time. Includes: copy writing, competition t&c's, report, dashboard support and changes within the campaign period
First campaign creative development
Creative concept and design of overlays that will transform offline experience into a meaningful branded stories. Our creative team has a vast experience in design for social media and deep understanding of customer behaviour at events and brand activations.
First campaign insights report
Full assessment of objective and KPIs vs real results. Includes social reach, engagement and other campaign specific metric
Training and handover
We provide full dashboard, product and engagement training. This includes briefing notes, technical notes, best practices and gadget setup
Strategy sessions
General overview of campaigns to date vs industry benchmarks. Recommendation on best practices including types of content, sharing mechanic and the practical use of collected customer data
Success Stories

Joanna Graham
Marketing Manager NZ
Logitech brand activation for Ultimate Ears
"We worked closely with the Interlike team to come up with a campaign strategy and plan that was simple, fun and effective and would allow consumers to engage with UE products at the event as well as with our brand long term. As a result, we saw significant uplift in new likes on our UE ANZ Facebook page and great organic reach and engagement during and after the activation."

Alex Spence
Digital Communications Manager
New Zealand Olympic Committee
NZ Olympic Team #BeTheInspiration Rio Olympics 2016
"Interlike Magic Selfie Machine was so flexible and simple to use during our busiest and most demanding time during the games. The Interlike app delivered the perfect solution to our social media objective of reaching individual athletes personal following with NZOC messaging."

Sandra Noakes
Marketing Communications Manager
HarperCollins NZ
Jamie Curry's book signing reached near 17 million users and wins Marketing Strategy Of The Year at NZ Book Industry Awards for HarperCollins Publishers NZ
"We would never have achieved such massive engagement, and on a global scale, without Interlike at the book signings. Jamie's was the perfect book and setting to trial this, and we'd certainly look to do something similar in the future with the right book and author."

Justin Flitter
Head of Marketing
TEDx Auckland and
Making content for ideas worth sharing: TEDxAuckland
"For the last 3 years Interlike have been a vital ingredient in our attendee engagement and event social media program for TEDxAuckland. Their team make the process seamless, fun and stress free. Attendees love the using the technology and channelling their excitement through the creative, high quality, branded social content. Post event Interlike albums provide us with the sticky engagement we need to keep people interacting until our videos are published. Interlike add a dynamic social layer to the event we don't achieve through any other mechanic. We love them."

Hannah Clark
Licensing & Sponsorship Account Manager
Canterbury NZ
Canterbury Clothing activation at the Vodafone Warriors game
"We couldn't have predicted how well the activation was received; we had queues out the door and the Interlike activation formed a vital part of our larger game day presence. The result was an engaged and entertained fanbase which only served to strengthen the relationship with one of our partners."

Bonnie Shanahan
Brand General Manager
Clinique achieving a deeper brand connection with their valued customers
''The #FaceForward was a very powerful campaign and we wanted something that gave our customers a non-intrusive capability to become a part of the movement. Interlike's Social Mirror proved to be the perfect photo marketing solution to enable our customers to engage with the campaign and deepen brand loyalty. Customers trusted us with personal messages by writing promises to their future selves on Clinique's Facebook page. Interlike is a beautiful cost effective tool that delivered on our social and branding KPI's.''
YES, I am ready to maximise my experiential marketing investment and supercharge my company's brand growth
Additional Services
Campaign setup
Don't have the time to set up your campaign? Have Interlike set up your campaign this month.
Includes: copy writing, competition t&c's, report, dashboard support and changes within the campaign period.
Interlike app on additional devices
You can use Interlike App on any number of additional devices for a particular campaign, we will charge a one off set up and license fee.

Interlike talent - Brand ambassadors
We have a database of extraordinary Interlike certified promo staff in NZ and AU. They are highly trained and have a proven record of providing great experiences for customers and significant results based on client campaign objectives.
*Minimum 3 hours call out

Overlay design
Creative concept and design of overlays that will transform offline experience into a meaningful
branded stories. Our creative team has a vast experience in design for social media and a deep
understanding of customer behaviour at events and brand activations. See our latest creative
examples here
Insights report and database
You can see the results from Interlike App almost instantly via Facebook Insights. We can generate a
comprehensive report to include the significant metrics, best creative examples and email database.
*Delivered 5 days post campaign live date.

Have your guests take home your branded photo as a keepsake they will treasure. Get unlimited 6x4 thermal prints for your campaign along with a wonderful Interlike host to ensure everyone gets their print so you can rest easy.